In the elections held every five years, citizens of the EU member states with the right to vote elect the European Parliament.

So what exactly is the European Parliament?

The European Parliament has 705 members, who are elected by the citizens of the EU member states. Parliament’s tasks can be divided into three main tasks: Legislation, supervisory and budgetary.

What is decided there?

The tasks of the European Parliament include e.g. passing laws with the governments of EU countries, monitoring the activities of EU institutions and defending EU values. At the EU level, for example, immigration, the Union’s economy or food production regulations can be influenced.

Would you like to get paid for internships? Does social media need a higher age limit? Should regulation related to artificial intelligence be more relaxed? Should cucumbers that are too crooked be allowed to be sold at a normal price? You can affect these matters – and much more – by voting in the EU elections!

Am I entitled to vote?

You are entitled to vote if you are a citizen of Finland or the European Union and have turned 18 on election day at the latest.

When do I vote?

The actual election day in Finland is June 9, 2024. You can also vote in advance in Finland from 29.5-4.6.2024 and abroad from 29.5-1.6.2024.

Where can I vote?

You have received a notification by post or electronically about your right to vote and your own polling place. In Finland, you can vote in advance at any public polling place. However, remember that on election day, June 9, you can only vote at your own polling station. You can find the polling places listed here: General polling stations (

How do I know who is a candidate?

This year, 15 members of the European Parliament will be elected from Finland. You can find the candidates listed here: Candidates (

Where can I find more information about the elections?

You can find information about the elections here: European elections 2024 (

and from the European Parliament here: European Parliament (