Academic Recognition of Student Activities

A student activities module has been created for active students, which includes a total of three bachelor’s level courses.

The courses of study are:

In this course, you will learn about student activities and influencing in general. Students can act, for example, as a student representative, a member of the student union’s representative council or on the board of a local student association.

During this course, you will be in a position of trust, where you are responsible of larger entity. For example, you could be the leader of some group and take care of local influencing or student advocacy.

You know extensively what kind of student activities the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences has and you can determine how they differ. In addition, you are able to determine in what kind of institutions student representatives operate locally and what kind of issues can be influenced.

For example, you can be a chairperson of a local student association, chairperson of the student union representative body, a student union board member or a vice chairperson of the student union’s board.

Your position of trust may be, for example, chairing the student union’s Board or acting on the board or chairing a national student organization. In your position of trust, you are responsible for the organization’s administration, organization of activities, development of operations and the management of people.

Detailed information about the courses, their objectives and content, as well as assessment criteria, can be found on the Learn platform under the name “Opiskelijatoiminta – Student Activities,” which is open to everyone. The courses are independently completed online with continuous registration through Peppi. Feel free to explore and get involved in student union or student association activities, and take on trust positions for as long as you wish!

How to Get Involved in Student Activities?

Become a student activist, for example. the board of a local association, the student union representative council/board or a national student organization! Below are links where you can get to know the student associations, the representative council and board of the student union Kaakko and the Union of Finnish student unions.

If you have any questions, you can contact Kaakko’s board members, representative council members or employees.

Welcome to join active activities!