In this newsletter

  • FSHS will serve students in higher education institutions throughout the summer.
  • The Moving for a better study ability model provides a summary of the benefits of physical activity.
  • Expert answers to questions about sleep.
  • Relationships and a safe community promote study ability.
  • Small Changes for Good Health – student well-being week is held 30 September to 4 October 2024.

FSHS will serve students in higher education institutions throughout the summer.

FSHS’s digital and remote services will operate on all weekdays and there are several service units in our service areas that are open throughout the summer. If necessary, you will be directed from the assessment of the need for treatment to either a remote appointment or to a local appointment to another open service unit. Read more about the opening hours during the summer season.

  • There are no local appointments for general and mental health at FSHS Kouvola from 5 July to 2 August 2024.
  • There are no local appointments for general and mental health at FSHS Mikkeli from 22 July to 2 August 2024.

The Moving for a better study ability model provides a summary of the benefits of physical activity.

Moving and taking breaks from prolonged sedentary time are ways to support students’ study ability and the wellbeing of the entire study community. Small choices made by students themselves and measures taken by educational institutions can help incorporate more movement and activity into students’ lives. A new model called Moving for a better study ability is based on the model for study ability (Kunttu 2006) updated by the Finnish Student Health Service in 2022. It examines study ability and its various aspects from the point of view of physical activity. Read more about the model from our website.

Expert answers to questions about sleep.

Is napping a bad idea? Does hitting the snooze button hurt? Does using smart devices in the evening affect your sleep at night? In response to requests by students, we’ve compiled a written summary of questions and answers from the “Reseptejä parempaan uneen” (A recipe for better rest) webinar held on the FSHS Day. Read the Q&A from our website.

Relationships and a safe community promote study ability.

As a resource, the student community can help maintain a student’s mental health. We organized a webinar during Students’ Mental Health Week, with the focus on equality and social accessibility. Read more about the event.

Small Changes for Good Health – student well-being week is held 30 September to 4 October 2024.

This year, the week is themed around sexual health. The national health promotion webinar is held 3 October 2024. Stay tuned, more info will be released later!

Ps. Did you know that we have an event calendar on our website? All events organised or co-organised by FSHS can be found on the website.