The registration of new tutors begins today in Peppi and ends on November 21st. The registration code in Peppi is VV00EA69-3003.

Tutors help new students to integrate into the university. A tutor organizes different extra-curricular activities, helps and supports freshmen at the start of their studies and is the first friend of the new student.

The course includes the tutor education and the tutoring itself. The education consists of two parts, first being the common basic education and the second being the specialization training. The schedule of the education will be informed by email to the participants.

OAfter completing common basic education 0,5 ECTS student will select specialization training 0,5 ECTS in which the student wishes to specialize. Selective specialization trainings are degree tutor, hobby tutor, exchange tutor or eTutor. The student completes the remaining 4 ECTS credits by acting the next academic year as a tutor.

The courses run during spring 2022 and the tutoring starts during school year 2022-2023. Tutoring lasts for one year, after which one may quit tutoring or participate in the course again and keep on tutoring in 2023-2024.

More information:

Eetu Mansikka