Genesis Medina Zamalloa
Genesis Medina ZamalloaCandidate number: 34



I am Genesis, a first-year nursing student, candidate 34 for these elections.
Did you know that there are many international students in Xamk? Well, in the 2023 nursing class there are 64 of us and we are happy to be able to learn a lot, good teachers, environment and with good quality education in our lectures.

The problem identified was the lack of integration, we have a lot to learn and it would be great to have the recommendations of a Finnish friend!

I am willing to listen to all suggestions from the university community! I hope you can trust the proposals of Kotkan Opiskelijat.



The author is a candidate for the Student Union Representative Council and a nursing student from Kotka. Voting for the elections will be held electronically from 30 October to 8 November. We will publish the candidates’ writings on our website during the campaign period in October and November. You can find all our candidates here.